Access Roadside Assistance

Activate Membership Card

Take advantage of your Access Roadside Assistance card by activating it now and treating yourself to a whole year of fantastic benefits.

Activate Your New Card

Enter The 7 Digits Of Your Membership Card Starting With ACC


These are the most frequently asked questions.

First, type in the card number and click the blue button. Then, just follow the registration procedure.

We partner with lots of dealerships right across the USA and Canada. When you purchase a vehicle, ask your dealer if they’ll treat you to a year’s membership with ARA. Chances are they will.

Don’t worry. Our support team will be happy to help you out. Send a message to [email protected]

Insurance Brokerages

Accelerate your sales growth with our powerful platform. Effortlessly manage Access Roadside Assistance sales, commissions, and renewals, leaving you more time to win and retain clients.

Auto Dealers

We know your time is precious, and that’s why we built a platform tailored to your needs. Our longstanding relationships with North American auto dealers give us insight into your daily workflow. Effortlessly manage purchases, commissions, and card statuses in one convenient location.

ERS Providers

Partner with us and tap into a reliable source of roadside assistance calls. We’re committed to building mutually beneficial relationships with skilled providers like you. The sign-up process is simple – start receiving requests and expanding your business today.

Insurance Companies

Streamline your workflow with our intuitive insurance adjuster platform. Submit claims lightning-fast and manage everything from one central hub. Plus, your clients get the ultimate roadside experience thanks to our top-notch service experts.