Access Roadside Assistance

Frequently Asked Questions

Explore the commonly asked queries from our valued members and partners.

Help for Members

We get asked a lot of questions from our members. To save you time, here’s a list of the ones we hear regularly.

Three reasons. First, our prices are always competitive – we never cut corners and we don’t overcharge. Second, we’ve got years of experience in the industry. That gives you a huge range of tailor-made, personalized plans to choose from.
Last but not least, ARA offers one of the biggest reward programs on the network.

If you can think of it, we cover you for it. Think flat tires, dead batteries, fuel delivery, towing and more. Find full details inside your membership plan description.

Take a look at our Family membership plan – it covers your loved ones and their cars. Two members are included in the plan, but you can always add more for an extra charge.

Of course. Choose from monthly or yearly payment options. As you’d expect, we accept debit and credit cards from within the US and Canada.

Welcome! We’re always happy to work with trustful service providers. Just complete our registration form and we’ll be in touch soon.

We’ll give you the full details when you register.

By purchasing our plans wholesale, you can easily offer a year’s free ARA coverage with every car you sell. We’ve also developed an online platform to ensure easy purchase and tracking of ARA cards.

Help for Partners

New partners usually have a lot of questions. To save you a little time, here are the ones we get asked the most.

Three reasons. First, our prices are always competitive – we never cut corners and we don’t overcharge. Second, we’ve got years of experience in the industry. That gives you a huge range of tailor-made, personalized plans to choose from. 
Last but not least, ARA offers one of the biggest reward programs on the network. 

If you can think of it, we cover you for it. Think flat tires, dead batteries, fuel delivery, towing and more. Find full details inside your membership plan description. 

We’ll give you the full details when you register.

You’re probably aware that over eight million Canadians and USA drivers purchase Auto Club membership each year. That’s a lot of opportunities. Our Approved Dealer Program help you grab more of them. You’ll earn revenue on every ARA membership you sell. Plus, we’ll pay you the same markup every time your clients renew.

We’ll even save you time by soliciting your renewals. That’ll give you residual income over the next few years.  

No minimum ordered is required. We want to make it as easy as possible for you, so we’ll only invoice you once every 30 days on the memberships you have sold or given as complimentary add-ons. (Some conditions apply). That way, you profit from every membership before you pay for it. You’ll also get one free membership with every 10 you sell. 

Easy. Just sign up to the Approved Dealer Program at our dealer services website –

Once you’ve registered, we’ll provide you with comprehensive marketing literature, completely free of charge. Got some questions. Call our Online Marketing Team on 1.866.224.5989.

Everywhere in North America, basically. Canada & the USA (Including Hawaii) from coast to coast.

First complete the online registration. Then we’ll review your application and email you once you’re approved. When we have jobs in your area that match your services, we’ll contact you for a quote.

You can contact our support team on 1-886-224-5989. 

Our platform keeps everything in one place, enabling you to track and monitor important information. Plus, it simplifies the submitting process for adjusters.

The usual details. For the registration process, we require a company name, address and email, plus primary contacts.

Insurance Brokerages

Accelerate your sales growth with our powerful platform. Effortlessly manage Access Roadside Assistance sales, commissions, and renewals, leaving you more time to win and retain clients.

Auto Dealers

We know your time is precious, and that’s why we built a platform tailored to your needs. Our longstanding relationships with North American auto dealers give us insight into your daily workflow. Effortlessly manage purchases, commissions, and card statuses in one convenient location.

ERS Providers

Partner with us and tap into a reliable source of roadside assistance calls. We’re committed to building mutually beneficial relationships with skilled providers like you. The sign-up process is simple – start receiving requests and expanding your business today.

Insurance Companies

Streamline your workflow with our intuitive insurance adjuster platform. Submit claims lightning-fast and manage everything from one central hub. Plus, your clients get the ultimate roadside experience thanks to our top-notch service experts.